Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nostalgia Critic's review of The Room

Nostalgia Critic aka "That Guy With The Glasses" had to take a review down recently due to the director/actor/writer suing for copyright infringement. The review was of The Room and that it followed the rules of fair use is entirely beside the point. The real reason it got taken down was that the boneheaded owner of the footage couldn't stand someone calling his "art" what it truly was: crap.

It is not a comedy. It is not even satire on bad acting. It is absolutely awful. And yet, at the end of the review, NC still recommended people go see the thing! This movie made money off NC's review, as I'm sure a few people picked it up before the retardation hit. Now, however, they are going to get a whole lot of bad press without the monetary return often expected of such things. Anything else would be uncivilized.

Bad call, director/actor/writer/the-world-does-not-revolve-around-your-bad-acting. But then the first bad call was putting that abomination on film to begin with.

Watch NC's epic video response to the idiocy at his site.

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