Thursday, October 10, 2013

World of Warcraft coalesced realms/servers list

Also known as connected realms, virtual realms, and merged realms. This list is current as of October 10th, 2013.

Note that there are technically only six normal servers for WoW now. The biggest mass-realm has 24 old realms combined. Sad sad. Blizzard kinda needs to fess up and admit they ruined their own game and drove away their subscriber base.


Aerie Peak, Blade's Edge, Dawnbringer, Dentarg, Galakrond, Ghostlands, Tanaris, Thrall, Turalyon, Velen

Aggramar, Alleria, Blackhand, Bloodhoof, Elune, Garona, Gilneas, Greymane, Kargath, Llane, Lothar, Madoran, Malfurion, Malygos, Moonrunner, Staghelm, Stormrage, Trollbane, Zul'jin

Alextrasza, Baelgun, Durotan, Eonar, Hellscream, Kael'thas, Medivh, Ravencrest, Thunderhorn, Whisperwind

Antonidas, Bladefist, Borean Tundra, Cairne, Cenarius, Darrowmere, Drenden, Echo Isles, Fenris, Garrosh, Hydraxis, Hyjal, Korialstrasz, Lightbringer, Misha, Mok'Nathal, Nazgrel, Nesingwary, Nordrassil, Quel'dorei, Shandris, Shu'halo, Uther, Winterhoof

Anvilmar, Area 52, Arygos, Azuremyst, Dalaran, Doomhammer, Duskwood, Exodar, Fizzcrank, Gnomeregan, Grizzly Hills, Icecrown, Khadagar, Norgannon, Terrokar, Undermine, Ysera, Zangarmarsh

Arathor, Bronzebeard, Drak'thul, Kilrogg, Muradin, Perenolde, Proudmoore, Runetotem, Sen'jin, Shadowsong, Silvermoon, Skywall, Suramar, Terenas, Uldum, Vek'nilash


Argent Dawn, Earthen Ring, Kirin Tor

Blackwater Raiders, Cenarion Circle, Farstriders, Moon Guard, Sisters of Elune, Wyrmcrest Accord

Feathermoon, Scarlet Crusade, Shadow Council, Silver Hand, Thorium Brotherhood

Sentinels, Steamwheedle Cartel, The Scryers


Emerald Dream, Lightninghoof, Maelstrom, Twisting Nether

Ravenholdt, The Venture Co

(Note that I DID NOT FINISH this part of the list because the task was so mind-numbing and I don't play on PVP servers.)

Agamaggan, Azgalor, Bleeding Hollow, Illidan, Sargeras, Shadowmoon, Shattered Hand

Altar of Storms, Alterac Mountains, Anderhal, Anetheron, Black Dragonflight, Dalvengyr, Kel'Thuzad, Mal'Ganis, Scilla, Ysondre, Zuluhed

Anub'arak, Rivendare, The Forgotten Coast, Vashj


Anonymous said...

Finally someone who figured out what was connected to Tanaris. Thank you, I just hope Blizzard realizes how terrible of an idea it was and removes the server mergers eventually :( As it is, it's nearly impossible to farm now.

Anonymous said...

Is the Timeless Isle not counted or different for here? Because I'm on Terenas and I can see my Alliance friend from Proudmoore if she stands outside Orgrimmar but as soon as we both go to the Timeless Isle we're clearly on our own realms again and we can't see each other anymore.

Tirsden Frozenrayn said...

Timeless Isle may be one-server-only, since it is probably actually busy enough to handle one server's population. Orgrimmar is also one-server-only.

And you're welcome about the list, yeah CRZ really sucks and it's not just farming... it's everything, including the nearly-unplayable newbie zones. They should have made cross-server grouping go off a list instead of literally being able to see everyone ahead of time.