Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Idiot's Guide To Starting A Religion

1. Pick something you like.
Example: BUNNIES!

2. Very good. Now, make it unique with an added word or two, or more specific if it is a general concept. If the thing/person/whatever is already very specific, skip this step.
Example: Uhhh... Bunny... Snow Bunny. YES.

3. Excellent. Now, pick a current major holiday to overwrite with an idea based on your religious concept. Rename the holiday and explain what it should honor from now on. Bonus points if you can do several major holidays.
Example: Hmmmmm gee that's easy. Easter! But now it's Snow Bunny Day, the day the Snow Bunny gives us all yummy treats!

4. Make up a bad consequence for not believing in your religion. Keep in mind that the worse it is, the more likely people will convert.
Example: Uhmm... if you don't believe, you'll get really sick like you've eaten tooo much Snow Bunny Day candy. Also, Snow Bunny will cry.

5. Now start a website or give that homeless guy downtown a bottle of vodka and a snickers. You know... that guy. No, not him, he's cool... the other one. It only takes one crazy-head to start a following. Congratulations, you have formed a religion! Be sure to shoehorn in your favorite political affiliation / corporate sponsor / soda brand if you actually gain notoriety. A code of ethics and values for your religion is optional but recommended; remember that should you write it down or present it in some way, you are in no way required to follow it to the letter. Be sure to insist that others do, on pain of whatever point 4 was.
Example: YAAAY! Wait... I can still make comments? Sweeet. I umm... I'm bored, I'm gonna go play with Mr. Snow Bunny now. We're the best of friends, we talk allllll the time. Don't we, Mr. Snow Bunny? ^___^

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