Thursday, December 24, 2009

What to do, what to do...

I think I just quoted Hoxie...

Anyways, I've swept the blog clean again. I didn't keep up with the review concept, and honestly I just don't care anymore. I like what I like, people like what they like. (Plus, finances are so strained right now it's difficult to do something as simple as go out and see a movie.) So, yes, what to do... besides waste space on the internet.

My LiveJournal doesn't get much attention either, that anyone can actually see anyways. I use it all the time for writing fiction and fanfiction drafts, but those posts stay locked. Only I can see them. Extremely rarely do they end up gracing the wider 'nets because I post that work to deviantArt or y!Gallery when it's finished. That's where 99.98% of my traffic is anyways.

So I'm thinking, if I can find inspiration, little bits of things might end up here. I have a weird way of looking at the world, mostly because the world is so weird to me. Bah, that sounds all "I'm trying to sound important, read my blog! Hurr!" Yegh. I dunno, I guess we'll see.

I'm usually the last person to say anything nice about myself or my works, but eh, I'm working on that. The writing I've done lately has really helped. In the end, I just want to get the stories out where people can read them. If one person likes one story, I am thrilled to death. And I know a lot more people than that have liked my work. It means the world to me that I've entertained someone even briefly, let alone a lot of someones.

I... am not liking the "Save Now" button in this editor mode, though. It needs to stop blinking at me. Heh. Could something that simple make or break the tentative birth of a refurbished blog?

Who knows.

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